
Your go-to resource for acronyms, jargons, terminology, and useful words for product and customer experience teams.


Api Documentation

What is API Documentation? API documentation is a comprehensive guide that provides information on how to effectively use and integrate with an Application Programming Interface

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Agile Transformation

What is Agile transformation? Agile transformation is the process through which an organization shifts from traditional methods to Agile methodologies, aiming to enhance flexibility, collaboration,

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Artificial Intelligence

What is artificial intelligence (AI)? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer science that focuses on creating systems capable of performing tasks that require

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Agile Methodology

What is Agile methodology? Agile methodology is a set of principles and practices for project management and software development that focuses on iterative progress, collaboration,

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API Integration

What is API integration? API integration is the process of connecting different software applications or systems via their APIs, allowing them to exchange data and

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Agile Backlog

What is an Agile backlog? An Agile backlog is a dynamic, prioritized list of all the work items for a development team, including user stories,

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Alpha Testing

What is alpha testing? Alpha testing is an early phase of software testing carried out by the internal team to identify and fix bugs before

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Agile Estimation

What is Agile estimation? Agile estimation is the process of predicting the amount of effort, time, or resources required to complete specific tasks or user

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Agile Development

What is Agile development? Agile development is a software development methodology that emphasizes iterative progress, collaboration, and flexibility to adapt to changing requirements. It aims

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Agile Sprints

What is an Agile sprint? An Agile sprint is a fixed-length period, usually ranging from one to four weeks, during which a development team works

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Adoption Rate

What is adoption rate? Adoption rate quantifies the percentage of users or customers who have adopted and are actively using a new product, service, or

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Adaptive Design

What is adaptive design in UX (User Experience) design? Adaptive design in UX involves creating interfaces that can adjust dynamically based on user interactions, device

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Actionable Insights

What are actionable insights? Actionable insights are conclusions or recommendations derived from data analysis that provide clear guidance on what actions to take to achieve

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Accessibility Testing

What is accessibility testing Accessibility testing involves evaluating how accessible a product or service is for people with disabilities. It ensures that individuals with diverse

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Acceptance Criteria

What are acceptance criteria? Acceptance criteria are specific conditions that a product or feature must satisfy to be accepted by the customer or end-users. They

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Affinity Grouping

What is Affinity Grouping? Affinity grouping is a collaborative brainstorming and prioritization technique with many different possible applications. It works by having your group of

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Agile Framework

What is an Agile Framework? Agile is an overarching philosophy for software development that emphasizes the importance of quickly and frequently iterating to satisfy customers.

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A/B Test

What is A/B Testing? The purpose of an A/B test is to compare the performance of two items or variations against one another. This method

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Backlog Grooming

What is backlog grooming? Backlog grooming is the process of continuously reviewing, refining, and prioritizing items in the product backlog to ensure they are well-defined

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Backlog Management

What is backlog management? Backlog management is the process of organizing, prioritizing, and maintaining a product backlog to ensure it is up-to-date and reflects the

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Backlog Prioritization

What is backlog prioritization? Backlog prioritization is the method of arranging backlog items (such as features, user stories, and bug fixes) in an order that

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Backlog Refinement

What is backlog refinement? Backlog refinement is the process of regularly reviewing and updating the product backlog to ensure that it contains the most valuable

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Beta Test

What is Beta Testing? Beta testing is an opportunity for real users to use a product in a production environment to uncover any bugs or

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Brand Advocate

Brand advocacy is an extremely powerful marketing tool that can help build brand awareness, drive new leads, close new customers, and attract and hire new

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Bubble Sort

What is bubble sort? The bubble sort algorithm is a method used to arrange a list of numbers or other elements in order. The algorithm

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Budget Forecasting

What is Budget Forecasting? Budget forecasting is the process of predicting future financial outcomes based on historical data, trends, and anticipated changes. It involves estimating

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Budget Planning

What is budget planning? Budget planning is the process of developing a financial plan that estimates an organization’s income and expenses for a specific period,

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Bug Tracking

What is Bug Tracking? Bug Tracking is the process of identifying, recording, and managing software bugs or defects throughout a software development lifecycle. It involves

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Burn Rate

What is burn rate? Burn rate is the rate at which a company is spending its available cash to cover operating expenses. It is usually

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Business Agility

What is Business Agility? Business Agility refers to an organization’s ability to adapt quickly and effectively to changes in the market, customer demands, or internal

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Business Analytics

What is Business Analytics? Business Analytics is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to make informed business decisions. It involves using statistical methods,

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Business Continuity

What is Business Continuity? Business Continuity refers to the strategies and processes a company implements to ensure that essential functions can continue during and after

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Business Intelligence

What is Business Intelligence? Business intelligence (BI) is a method used to compile, analyze and interpret data to make better business decisions. BI data is

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Business Strategy

What is a business strategy? A business strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a particular set of goals or objectives. It involves

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Buyer Persona

What is a buyer persona? A buyer persona is a detailed and semi-fictional representation of an ideal customer based on market research and real data.

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Customer Acquisition

What is Customer Acquisition? Customer acquisition is the process of gaining new customers for a business. It involves strategies, actions, and methods used to attract

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Customer Feedback Analysis

What is Customer Feedback Analysis? Customer feedback analysis is the systematic process of collecting, interpreting, and utilizing feedback from customers to improve products, services, and

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Cost-Benefit Analysis

What is Cost-Benefit Analysis? Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a systematic approach used to evaluate the financial and non-financial costs and benefits of a decision, project,

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Conversion Rate

What is a Conversion Rate? A Conversion Rate is the percentage of visitors to a website or landing page who complete a desired action, such

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Conversion Optimization

What is Conversion Optimization? Conversion Optimization, also known as Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), is the process of improving a website or landing page to increase

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Conversion Funnel

What is a Conversion Funnel? A Conversion Funnel is a marketing model that represents the stages a potential customer goes through before making a purchase

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Content-Based Filtering

What is content-based filtering? Content-based filtering is a method used in recommendation systems to suggest items (such as books, movies, or products) to users based

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Customer Satisfaction (Csat)

What is Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)? Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) is a key performance indicator (KPI) that measures how satisfied customers are with a company’s products, services,

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Customer Personas

What are customer personas? Customer personas are detailed, semi-fictional representations of a business’s ideal customers based on market research and real data about existing customers.

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Cold Calling

What is cold calling? Cold calling is the practice of reaching out to potential customers or clients who have had no prior interaction with the

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Customer Retention

What is customer retention? Customer retention refers to the ability of a company to retain its customers over a specified period. It measures how well

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Customer Satisfaction

What is customer satisfaction? Customer satisfaction refers to the degree to which customers are happy with a company’s products, services, and overall experience. It is

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Customer-Focused Selling

What is customer-focused selling? Customer-focused selling is a sales strategy that centers on understanding and addressing the specific needs and pain points of customers. It

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Customer Interaction

What is customer interaction? Customer interaction encompasses any form of communication or engagement between a business and its customers. This can include conversations, service encounters,

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Capacity Planning

What is capacity planning? Capacity planning is the process of assessing an organization’s ability to meet future demand for its products or services by ensuring

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Campaign Management

What is campaign management? Campaign management is the process of organizing and overseeing marketing campaigns to promote a product, service, or brand. It includes planning,

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Competitor Benchmarking

What is competitor benchmarking? Competitor benchmarking is the practice of analyzing and comparing your company’s performance, products, or processes with those of key competitors to

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Cohort Analysis

What is cohort analysis? Cohort analysis is a technique used to segment users into groups based on shared attributes or experiences within a specific time

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CI/Cd Pipelines

What is a CI/CD pipeline? A CI/CD pipeline is an automated sequence of steps that facilitates continuous integration and continuous deployment/delivery of software, ensuring code

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Change Management

What is change management? Change management is a structured approach for ensuring that changes are thoroughly and smoothly implemented, and that the lasting benefits of

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Code Reviews

What is a code review? A code review is a process where developers examine each other’s code to identify issues, ensure quality, and improve the

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What is Cannibalization? Cannibalization in product management happens when two products from the same company compete against each other. As a product manager, you are

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Customer Validation

What Is Customer Validation? The customer validation phase of product development is crucial in order to test assumptions and hypotheses about the customer problem, target

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Competitive Landscape

What Does Competitive Landscape Mean? The competitive landscape is the list of options available to a customer that competing products and solutions offer. This also

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Customer Empathy

What is customer empathy? Customer empathy is the ability to understand the needs and feelings of your customers. It’s about viewing things from your customer’s

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Cart Abandonment

What is cart abandonment? The term “abandonment” is used in e-commerce to describe a visitor who leaves a web page without completing the desired action.

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Customer Experience

Customer experience (CX) is the impression a user has when they experience your brand. All the interaction that a user does on your product contributes

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Customer Feedback

Information provided by customers to reveal their level of satisfaction and help product, customer success, and marketing teams understand where there is room for improvement.

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Customer Churn

What is customer churn? All businesses experience some form of churn, which is when a customer leaves or discontinues using your product or service. In

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Daily Scrum

What is a Daily Scrum? Daily scrums are quick, 15-minute meetings held each day at the same time for members of the product development team

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Design Thinking

What is the Design Thinking Process? Design thinking is a framework for innovation that revolves around understanding problems or needs from the user’s point of

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Digital adoption

What is Digital adoption? Digital adoption is the process of learning how to use new digital products (software, applications, websites, etc.) so that users (employees

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Digital Transformation

What is Digital Transformation? Digital transformation can be defined as the act of improving business processes with digital technologies to make them more efficient, accessible,

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Downsizing Strategy

What is a Downsizing Strategy? A Downsizing Strategy is a planned approach that organizations use to reduce their size and scale, typically involving a reduction

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Empathy Maps

What are empathy maps? Empathy maps are visual tools used to better understand a target audience or user by capturing their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

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Exit Strategy

What is an exit strategy? An exit strategy is a planned approach to how a business owner or investor intends to leave their investment or

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End-User Era

What Is the End-User Era? The end-user era refers to a new trend in how businesses buy the software. The decisions about which enterprise applications

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Employee experience

Employee experience is all about what people observe and encounter during their time spent with a company. Every organization knows that happy customers are important,

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Financial Modeling

What is Financial Modeling? Financial modeling is the process of creating a mathematical representation of a company’s financial performance. It is typically used for decision-making

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Feature Requests

What are feature requests? Feature requests are suggestions made by users, customers, or stakeholders for new functionalities or improvements to an existing product or service.

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Follow-Up Surveys

What is a follow-up survey? A follow-up survey is a subsequent questionnaire sent to participants to collect additional feedback, measure changes over time, and evaluate

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Guerrilla Testing

What is guerrilla testing? Guerrilla testing is a quick, informal usability testing method where researchers or designers approach people in public spaces to get feedback

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Growth Marketing

What is growth marketing? Growth marketing is a data-driven approach focused on expanding a company’s customer base and increasing revenue by experimenting with various marketing

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Gamification Strategy

What is a gamification strategy? A gamification strategy involves incorporating game-like elements such as points, rewards, challenges, and leaderboards into non-game contexts to engage and

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Gap Analysis

What is gap analysis? Gap analysis is a process used to compare a company’s current performance or situation with its desired future state. It helps

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Growth Hacking

What is Growth Hacking? Growth hacking is a term used to describe marketing strategies focused on rapid growth. These strategies are often used by startups

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Hybrid app

What is a hybrid application? Hybrid apps are a type of software application that combines elements of both native apps and web applications. In essence,

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Impact Analysis

What is Impact Analysis? Impact Analysis is the process of assessing the potential effects or outcomes of a change, project, or decision on various aspects

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In-app messaging

What is in-app messaging? In-app messaging sends messages that are triggered when a user interacts with your app. These messages allow you to engage your

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Journey Mapping

What is journey mapping? Journey mapping is the process of visually outlining a customer’s experience with a product, service, or brand, from the initial interaction

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Jobs to be done

What are the jobs to be done (Jtbd)? It would be amazing if all the different departments in your company – from developers to marketers

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Lead Conversion

What is Lead Conversion? Lead Conversion refers to the process of turning a potential customer, known as a lead, into a paying customer. This process

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Lead Generation

What is Lead Generation? Lead Generation is the process of attracting and capturing the interest of potential customers, known as leads, for a product or

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Market Penetration

What is market penetration? Market penetration refers to the strategy of gaining a larger share of an existing market with a current product. This involves

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Mobile analytics

What is Mobile Analytics? Analytics is the practice of measuring and analyzing data of users to create an understanding of user behavior as well as

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Net Promoter Score(NPS)

What is a Net promoter score(NPS)? Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a valuable metric for gauging customer loyalty, satisfaction, and enthusiasm. It’s calculated by asking

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In commerce, an order is an announcement, either written or verbal for the intended purchase of specific products or service.

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Outcome-Driven Innovation

What is Outcome-Driven Innovation? Outcome-Driven Innovation (ODI) is a reliable strategy and innovation process that increases the chances of a company to create and market

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Product analytics

What is Product Analytics? Product analytics is an extremely valuable asset for product managers and teams because it allows them to see how well their

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Product Experience (PX)

Product experience is what drives the customers’ perceptions of product design, features, and functions, which influence their purchase and usage behaviour. Product experience is a

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Product Portfolio

What is a Product Portfolio? A Product Portfolio is a collection of all the products or services offered by a company. It includes everything from

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Product roadmap

A product roadmap is a key to successful communication between short-term efforts and long-term business goals. By understanding the role of a roadmap – and

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Product-led growth

What is product-led growth (PLG)? A product-led growth strategy is one in which the software itself is placed at the forefront of the customer’s buying

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UI vs UX vs PX

User interface (UI) vs. user experience (UX) design Although they are different fields of design, UI and UX are often used interchangeably or grouped as

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Quality Score

Quality Score is a metric used by Google, Yahoo! , Facebook and Bing that measures how relevant a keyword is as compared to the data from past ad auctions

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Revenue churn

What is revenue churn? Revenue churn is the best way to measure how much a company is losing in potential earnings from clients or customers

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Scrum Methodology

What is Scrum Methodology? Scrum Methodology is an agile framework used for managing and completing complex projects, primarily in software development. It emphasizes iterative progress

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UI vs UX vs PX

User interface (UI) vs. user experience (UX) design Although they are different fields of design, UI and UX are often used interchangeably or grouped as

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User analytics

What is user analytics? User analytics is the practice of measuring, analyzing, and reporting user data to improve the usability of a digital product. User

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User Feedback

What is user feedback? User feedback is both qualitative and quantitative data that customers provide about a product they’ve used regarding what they liked or

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User onboarding

What is user onboarding? User onboarding refers to the method of actively assisting users to explore new value in your product. The process during which

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User segmentation 

What is user segmentation? User segmentation is the process of dividing users into groups based on shared characteristics. Segmentation allows companies to better target their

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What Is a Win-Back Campaign? Have you ever tried using a win-back campaign before? If not, then you’re missing out on a great opportunity to

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