Customer data on Baremetrics

Baremetrics helps you see where your customers are located, what plan are they on, failed payments, and every other transaction with other customer profiles.

Analytics on Baremetrics

Metrics, dunning, engagement tools, and customer analytics are all available at Baremetrics. MRR, ARR, LTV, total number of customers, total expenses, quick ratio, and other indicators can be monitored by Baremetrics.

Setting goals on Baremetrics

Set goals to track your progress towards achieving your target. You can use the forecasting tool to see where your metrics are headed and set achievable goals.

Onboarding flow on Baremetrics

Baremetrics is an analytics solution for SaaS organizations who utilize Stripe to manage their client transactions and have recurring billing.

Check-in Questions on 15five

Edit the check-in questions format for all the employees from the settings.

Company settings on 15five

Manage the company information, vacations, billing plans, and notifications in the company’s settings.

Requesting a feedback on 15five

Requesting feedback allows people to take ownership of their own growth by providing them with a tool to actively seek input in their workflow on what they want, when they want, and from whoever they want—with an emphasis on the person requesting the feedback.

Best-Self Review on 15five

Best-Self review helps managers gather feedback, ensure direct reporting and identify struggling employees who need additional support.

Creating One-on-One on 15five

Often team members shy away from one-on-one meetings. 15five let users set actions for the meeting and also add shared notes.

Checking-in on 15five

Checking in on 15five inspires employees to engage and drive performance. Check-ins prove to be the most efficient way to encourage continuous development and growth.