12 Tips to Write Help Content [+Examples]

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12 Tips to Write Help Content [+Examples]

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Discover 12 tips to write your help content and make your user experience more engaging and enjoyable. With these tips, you'll be able to create help content that stands out and helps your users find the answers they need quickly and easily.

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Are you looking for tips to write about help content for your customer service platform?

Writing effective help content is one of the most important aspects of keeping your customers happy and well-informed.

While creating content that is both engaging and informative can be a challenge, especially when it comes to developing a consistent, unified message.

That’s why we’ve compiled 12 tips to help you write effective and engaging help content for your customer service platform. With these tips, you can craft help content that is easy to understand and beneficial to your customers.

12 Tips to Write Help Content

1. Explain concepts with visuals

Visuals such as images and illustrations are great for helping customers understand concepts more clearly. When writing help content, adding visuals to explain complex topics or steps in processes can be very helpful.

Maps, diagrams, flip books, and other visuals can help customers understand help content more easily. You can use visuals to break up text and provide a more engaging experience for readers. They can help reinforce key topics and make the content more memorable.

2. Use storytelling to explain concepts

Creative storytelling can be used to explain a concept or help the customer learn what steps to take.

For example, you can craft a story around your customer’s situation and how he or she can solve it using your help content.

3. Use metaphors and analogies to explain difficult topics

If a help content topic is difficult to understand, use metaphors and analogies to explain it. This can be done by making an analogy between an everyday object and the help content topic. For instance:

Think of it like a map – it helps you navigate through complicated topics, providing landmarks and signposts along the way. Metaphors and analogies can make large concepts easier to understand, and they can add clarity and interest to your writing.

So the next time you find yourself tackling a complex subject, consider using a metaphor or analogy – it could make all the difference.

4. Create a knowledge base

A knowledge base can be incredibly helpful for customers who are looking for answers. Create a section in your help content that houses general questions and their answers. This will help customers quickly find the information they need.

For example, you can create a library of FAQs or instructional documents that provide step-by-step guidance on how to use your products or services.

5. Use Plain Language

Customers often have difficulty understanding complex topics. Using plain language, you can ensure that customers can easily understand the helpful content you provide. Structure your content in a way that is easy to understand and use conversational language to connect with your customers.

For instance, avoid using jargon and technical terms that the average reader may not understand. Instead, choose a language that is straightforward and clear.

6. Utilize helpful widgets

Widgets are an effective and engaging way to provide useful content to your customers. For example:

Chat boxes, customizable forms, contextual menus, automated emails, coupon codes, social media feeds, video streaming, product reviews, polls & surveys, news articles, shareable content, upgrade reminders, progress bars, and more.

By utilizing widgets, you can create a more interactive and engaging experience for your customers and ensure they have the information they need to make informed decisions.

7. Write short, concise content

Help content should be concise and to the point. Writing short and concise content can help customers grasp concepts quickly and easily.

You can break large chunks of text into manageable sections and use lists, headings, and subheadings to help readers scan.

8. Make use of FAQs

FAQs are a simple way for customers to quickly access helpful content. This can help reduce the amount of time spent answering the same questions and improve the overall user experience.

You can use FAQs to address customer issues and respond to questions before they arise. Leveraging FAQs to provide helpful content can improve user experience and create a more organized, user-friendly help section.

9. Share Use Cases

By providing use cases, you can provide customers with detailed explanations of how to use your product. This can be a great way to help customers understand how to use your product and how to get the most out of it.

For example, a use case could be a customer who wants to print a document using an app. By showing how to navigate the app’s printing options, you can help the customer understand how to use the product to achieve their desired outcome.

10. Offer customer support

Offering customer support is essential for customers who are unable to find the help content they need. Don’t forget to include contact details in your help content so customers can get in touch with the right person(s) for any questions they may have.

For example, you can include tips and tricks to help them get started, provide step-by-step instructions on how to use your product, or even offer personalized advice and recommendations through the live chat feature.

11. Use search features

Incorporate search features into your help content to help customers quickly find what they’re looking for.

For example, use a search bar or other filtering capabilities to quickly find answers to the questions you have. This will help you keep your help content organized and easy to access and understand.

With search features, you’ll be able to provide users with more specific and accurate help content that addresses their needs quickly and efficiently.

12. Provide Helpful Links

Links to external resources can be a great way to provide customers with additional information.

For example, if you’re writing about a specific topic, include links to articles, blog posts, and other resources that provide more information and context.

This will help your readers get the most out of your content. By providing helpful links, you can help customers find all the information they need in one place.

These strategies will ensure that your help content is easy to understand, provides the answers users need quickly and easily, and stands out from the competition.

For easy knowledge base creation and management, try Faqprime for free.

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