How do I disable the helpbot?

Disable the helpbot feature on your website


The Faqprime Helpbot is a powerful tool for engaging with your users and providing instant support. If you’re considering disabling it, it’s important to inform your users about alternative support channels.


If you wish to disable the Faqprime Helpbot on your website, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Log in to Faqprime: Access your Faqprime account by entering your login credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Helpbot Widget: Once you’re logged in, navigate to the ‘Helpbot Widget’ section of your dashboard.
  3. Disable the Helpbot: Look for an option that says ‘Enable’ or ‘Disable’. This is usually a toggle switch under the Helpbot Visibility Setting. Toggle the switch to the ‘Disable’ position to disable the Helpbot.
  4. Save Your Changes: After disabling the Helpbot, save your changes to ensure they take effect.


Please note that disabling the Helpbot will prevent it from appearing on your website and interacting with your users. If you wish to enable it again in the future, simply follow the same steps but toggle the switch to the ‘Enable’ position.

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