How to disable the Helpbot widget on specific pages?

Prevent the helpbot from appearining on specific pages


Using the Visibility Control module, you can disable the Helpbot widget on special pages based on the URL or URL segment.


Here’s how you can disable the helpbot widget on specific pages:

  1. Log in to Faqprime: Enter your login credentials to access your Faqprime account.

  2. Go to the Helpbot Widget: After logging in, find the ‘Helpbot Widget’ section on your dashboard.

  3. Switch to the Visibility Tab: Within the Helpbot widget settings, click on the ‘Visibility Control’ tab.

  4. Set the Parameters: Choose between ‘Page URL contains’ or ‘Page URL equals’, and enter the corresponding URL where you don’t want the Helpbot widget to appear.

    • Page URL Contains: If a page’s URL includes a specific string, the Helpbot widget will be disabled on that page. For instance, if you enter “/receivables”, the Helpbot widget will be disabled on all pages whose URL contains “/receivables”.

    • Page URL Equals: If a page’s URL exactly matches the one you specify, the Helpbot widget will be disabled on that page. For example, if you enter “”, the Helpbot widget will be disabled on that exact page.

  5. Save Your Options: Click on the ‘Save Options’ button to save your rules.


Note: If you want to remove a rule, simply leave the URL field empty and save the changes. The rule will be deleted.

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