Survey Editing Flow on SurveySparrow

Edit your surveys in real-time easily with SurveySparrow.
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Editing Surveys on SurveySparrow

  • Head to SurveySparrow
  • Click on the 3 dots ➡ Edit Survey
  • Click on the 3 dots ➡ Share Survey ➡ Copy link/Share through Socials
  • Click on the 3 dots ➡ View Results
  • Click on the 3 dots ➡ Move the Survey ➡ Select the Move location ➡“Save Changes”
  • Click on the 3 dots ➡ Duplicate ➡ Confirm Duplication ➡ “Create Survey”
  • Click on the 3 dots ➡ Close ➡ Confirm Closing
  • And that’s it!