General browsing on wordpress

User flow of general browsing is a sequence of steps that website visitors take as they browse through a website.
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General browsing on WordPress:

When you’re browsing the web, most of the time you’re looking at pages that are similar to those you’ve visited before.

  • You enter the site by clicking on its icon or name on your screen.
  • You see the main content area, which contains the main body of the page (or posts, in case of a blog).
  • If there are any comments or replies to recent posts, you’ll see them below the main content area.
  • If you want to add your own comment or reply, you’ll need to click on “Post a Comment” below the main content area.
  • Finally, if you have activated WordPress’s comments system (by clicking on “Activate Comments”), you’ll be able to post your comment by clicking on “Comment This.”