Name Squatting Policy

A. Account Allocation

Faqprime account names are provided on a first-come, first-served basis and are intended for immediate and active use. This ensures fair distribution and utilization of account names.

B. Policy Against Account Squatting

Account squatting is not allowed. Faqprime staff may rename or remove inactive accounts at their discretion. Active accounts will not be removed or renamed. This policy is in place to prevent misuse of account names and to ensure they are available for users who intend to actively use them.

C. Prohibition of Account Trading

Selling, buying, or soliciting payment in exchange for account names is prohibited and may lead to permanent account suspension. This is to prevent any form of exploitation or unfair practices related to account names.

D. Trademark Infringement

If you believe someone’s account is infringing on your trademark rights, please refer to our Trademark Policy page for more information on filing a complaint. Faqprime respects intellectual property rights and expects its users to do the same.

E. Reporting Violations

If you encounter any violations of these policies, please report them to Faqprime’s support team. We are committed to maintaining a fair and respectful community.

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