How do I change the position of the Helpbot?

Setting the location of the helpbot


Adjusting the position of your Faqprime Helpbot is essential for ensuring it’s easily accessible and doesn’t obstruct important content on your website.


Here’s how you can adjust the position of your Helpbot:


  1. Log in to Faqprime: Access your Faqprime account by entering your login credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Helpbot Widget: Once you’re logged in, navigate to the ‘Helpbot Widget’ section of your dashboard.
  3. Set the Helpbot Location: You can set the location of the Helpbot to be either in the bottom right or on the right side of your website.
  4. Adjust the Position: Under the ‘Position’ section, look for options that say ‘Vertical Offset’ and ‘Horizontal Offset’. These settings allow you to adjust the position of the Helpbot on your webpage:
    • Vertical Offset: By setting the offset from the bottom (in px), you can move the widget button vertically towards the top of the page. For example, an offset of -15 px will move the widget up by 15 pixels.
    • Horizontal Offset: By setting the offset from the right (in px), you can move the widget button horizontally towards the left. For example, an offset of 100 px will move the widget to the left by 100 pixels.
  5. Save Your Changes: After adjusting the position, save your changes to ensure they take effect.


And that’s it! Your Helpbot should now appear in the new position on your website.

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