How can I control how frequently a popup appears to the same user?

Schedule intervals for the popup to reappear at specific times.


Faqprime give you the ability to control the how often would the same popup be displayed to the user.


Here’s how you can control how frequently a popup appears to the same user:

  1. Navigate to the Popup Manager: From the right navigation menu in your Faqprime dashboard, go to the Popup Manager.

  2. Find the Popup You Want to Modify: In the ‘My Campaigns’ section, locate the popup you wish to edit.

  3. Set the Recurrence: Look for the ‘Recurrence’ option in the popup settings. This is where you can set how after how much time this campaign can be seen again. Note, that the recurrence time set is in minutes.

  4. Save Your Changes: After you’ve set it, save your changes.

Now, your popup will now be repeated to the user at the frequency you’ve specified.

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