What are the benefits of AssistPanel?

The Benefits of Using AssistPanel


AssistPanel is a powerful feature of Product Assist designed to enhance your user experience and productivity.


Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Quick Access to Apps and Add-ons: With AssistPanel, you can add your favorite apps and add-ons directly to the panel. This allows you to quickly access these tools without leaving your current workflow.

  2. Customizable Interface: AssistPanel offers a range of customization options. You can choose the position of the AssistPanel on your screen (right or left), adjust the size of the icons (big or small), and even change the background color to match your preference.

  3. Improved Productivity: By providing quick access to your most-used apps and add-ons, AssistPanel can significantly boost your productivity. You no longer need to switch between different windows or tabs to use different tools.

  4. Flexible Availability: You can set the AssistPanel to be available on all pages, one page, or a few pages. This gives you the flexibility to have the AssistPanel where you need it the most.

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