Crafting compelling titles for your help content?


Your titles are the door opener for your help content. What you put into that space will be a big indicator of how enticing your answer content is. The content and quality of your title matters and will determine how well people engage with your content. That said, this doesn't mean that you will use the 'click bait' style titles to drive up the click-throughs. Always remember that the content is to help our users.  

Write compelling but helpful titles

  • Craft titles that focus on user benefits.

Why: Customers respond to content that speaks to their needs.

  • Tie titles to potential user search keywords.

Why: Users tend to engage with content that appears most relevant to their search.

  • Avoid generic language in your titles. Use specific calls to action.

Why: Generic language often showed decreased engagement with the content.

  • Give people answers.

Why: People come to help centre to find answers. Titles having a conflicting term often underperforms.

For example, if someone needed help with returning a particular item on an e-commerce website either of the following titles could be well used:

  • I do not like my order - what can I do?
  • I want to Return/ Exchange my order - what should I do?
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